Dan and Karen Waintroob, Hampton
How long have you lived on the Seacoast? What prompted you to move here?
We raised our two sons in Merrimack, NH and really loved being in this state. For work reasons, Karen and I moved to Maryland (DC area) for a few years. When I received an offer for a new job in 2006 that covered our relocation to anywhere in the US of our choosing, we picked NH. The Seacoast region had a great deal of appeal to us (one of our son's now lives in Greenland with his family) and so we moved to Hampton.
What did you do professionally?
Karen has 30 years of landscape design and Dan worked for a variety of engineering/consulting firms in the US and abroad supporting energy efficiency programs that electric utilities and governments offer their customers. Currently, Dan still works part-time as an adjunct teacher for SNHU’s business school and does occasional consulting work.
How do you like to spend your time nowadays?
Karen enjoys gardening and consulting on garden designs. Dan helps garden, skis and plays tennis. Both Karen and Dan enjoy various social events such as wine tastings.
Why did you join the Village? How does the Village fit into your long-term plans?
We belong to At Home By Hunt and they encouraged us to join the Village because of there’s a similar value system. We’re always willing to expand our horizons and see who else is out there. When we learned that the goal of the Village is people helping people so they can stay in their houses, that message resonated with us because that’s our goal. The Village is an opportunity for us to network with people who are at a similar stage of life and to figure out how we can all help each other.
What aspects of the Village are you most interested in?
When Dan retired, he’d built a big network across the country but not very much in New England. We’ve enjoyed hosting coffees at our house and meeting interesting people with good stories to tell. It’s been nice to meet more people locally who’ve done so many different and interesting things.
What would you say to a friend interested in joining the Village?
The Village is all about members helping members so they can stay in their homes. There are people from many different backgrounds—from University professors to artists—and we’re all focused on getting to stay in our homes as we get older.
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